Jay Ward, the genius responsible for Crusader Rabbit, Hoppity Hooper and the transendental Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons, created this irreverent yet reverent (don’t ask me how he did it, he’s a genius) tribute to silent movies. Fractured Flickers slapped together various silent movie clips (some clips featuring stars like Stan Laurel, Harry Langdon and Lon Chaney.
Tons of newreel and stock footage was tossed into the salad as well), and then goofy jokes and plots were written into the resulting short, all then voiced by voice-over stars Paul Frees and June Foray, among others. Hosted by Hans Conreid, Fractured Flickers gave creedence to the notion that things could be stupid as hell, yet hilarious and brilliant at the same time.
Clicking on Hans face will take you to a Video Vault page of the amazing tvparty.com website. There you can view some streaming video clips of the program. Be sure to explore all of tvparty.com!